


COVID19 Vaccinations and Returning EmployeesCOVID-19 Vaccinations and Returning Employees. Rules for Employers to Follow

Is an Employer Still Required to Provide Paid Sick Leave Due to a COVID-19 Diagnosis?

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ARPA and COBRA SubsidiesARPA and COBRA Subsidies. What All Employers Need to Know

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) established a 100% COBRA premium subsidy for assistance eligible individuals (AEI) for the period April 1st, 2021 through September 30th, 2021.

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employee benefits trends 2021Employee Benefits Trends for 2021

2020 has been a challenging year for both employees and employers. Many employers have moved towards a more mobile workforce, where possible. Other companies have been required to adapt to new and changing guidelines on how to stay safe in the workplace. 

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COBRA fees waived for the next 6 monthsCOBRA Admin Fees Waived by VantagePoint

VantagePoint Waives New COBRA Administration Fees for 6 Months* Furloughs, layoffs, and COBRA rules Did you know? When the carriers revert to their eligibility minimum this creates a COBRA event. If a furloughed employee is ultimately discharged this creates a COBRA event. If a full-time employee returns on a part-time basis, this creates a COBRA …

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cobra and health insurance major rule changesMajor Changes to Health Insurance and COBRA Rules

The Departments of Treasury and Labor, along with the IRS has created a time-frame extension affecting group health and welfare, disability, and pension plans due to COVID-19. These new rules apply for 60 days after the announced end of the declared National Emergency. This 60-day period is now called the ‘Outbreak Period’.

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how does the cares act enhances my benefitsHow Does the CARES Act Enhances My Benefits?

Benefit Enhancements OTC Pre-Tax Reimbursement Over-the-Counter Prescriptions (OTC) no longer need a physician’s prescription. This applies to Flexible Spending plans (FSA) or Health Saving Accounts (HSA). It can be retroactively applied on 1/1/2020. Adopting this will require adjustments to your Section 125 plan documents. If you are not familiar with a Section 125 document (they …

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CARES Act tipsWhat You Need to Know About the CARES Act

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act How does this law help my business? Expert Summary from the VantagePoint Team: While all the details are not out yet, we wanted to get this in your hands as soon as possible. Here is a summary of the programs

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furloughs and unemploymentFurloughs and Unemployment: FAQS for Navigating Tough Times

What is the impact on employee contributions, unemployment and employer obligation to pay? Insider Pro-Tips from the VantagePoint Team: Employee Contributions: Q:) If employee contributions are taken from pay to cover a portion of insurance premiums plans, how will this money be collected

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Small Business Employee Benefits – All You Need to Know

Common Challenges for a Small Business It is a challenge to know which benefits plans are required for a small business and what benefits employees actually expect. Adding to the challenge, states have different requirements that are mandatory for employers of different sizes. Small businesses should work with a professional organization that can help them …

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employee benefits trends 2020Employee Benefits Trends for 2020

Most employers are in the middle of their re-enrollment period right now, one of the busiest times of the year for HR departments. It is important to understand what other companies are offering in the competition for talent in order to help you recruit and retain the best. In this article, you’ll find the most …

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