
Recent changes to federal labor laws are set to significantly impact the landscape of overtime eligibility for salaried employees across the United States. On April 23, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released its final ruling on updating the minimum salary requirements for overtime exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Key Takeaways: …
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As remote and hybrid work becomes more prevalent, companies with staff operating across various states must be well-versed in the payroll nexus regulations specific to each state or region where their employees or businesses function. In this piece, we’ll delve into the effects of payroll nexus regulations on your business’s tax and payroll records, while …
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Payroll taxes can be confusing for business owners. There are different taxes and rates depending on your work location and type of business. Luckily, there are companies like Vantage Point that can help you sort out the complexities of payroll taxes to make your payroll processing easy and simple.
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Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act How does this law help my business? Expert Summary from the VantagePoint Team: While all the details are not out yet, we wanted to get this in your hands as soon as possible. Here is a summary of the programs
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What is the impact on employee contributions, unemployment and employer obligation to pay? Insider Pro-Tips from the VantagePoint Team: Employee Contributions: Q:) If employee contributions are taken from pay to cover a portion of insurance premiums plans, how will this money be collected
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Maternity Leave Law – Updates As of April 1, 2020, small businesses with fewer than 500 employees are required to provide emergency paid sick leave and family leave benefits to employees impacted by COVID-19, according to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. In 2020, eligible employees in 5 states either have access to paid family …
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