
Discover Insights from VantagePoint’s CEO, Mark DeRosa on the Founder Secrets Podcast We’re thrilled to share that our CEO, Mark DeRosa, was recently featured on the Founder Secrets podcast! In this episode, Mark dives deep into how businesses can streamline workflows, ensure compliance, and build smarter, stronger workplaces. 🎙️ Listen to the Episode: Mastering Workforce …
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The Harvard Business Review – which has more than 9 million records of employees at 4,000 global companies – points out that mid-career employees have the highest resignation rate, and those that suffer most are the technology and healthcare industries. At the start of the pandemic, the job market was full of uncertainty and massive …
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An employee handbook is a useful tool for companies of all sizes. Business owners tend to think of a handbook as necessary as the company becomes larger, but organizations should institute policies and processes as soon as they start hiring employees.
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As a manager, do you know what your employees are doing at all times? The answer is most likely, “No.” The manager sets up the daily workflow and expects employees to complete their work to the company’s satisfaction. However, employees are not always focused on work which means there’s lost productivity for the company. Your …
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Employee benefits encompass a wide range of offerings that a company can provide to its employees. The most common benefits in the US include health and dental insurance, retirement savings (such as a 401(k)), vacation time, and other paid time off (such as maternity leave). But benefits don’t need to be common – they can …
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Determining exactly who a millennial is can be confusing because there are often conflicting ideas of what birth years are included in a generation. However, Pew Research Center defines millennials as those born between 1981-1996. Millennials are now the largest generation in the workforce, making up 35% of labor force participants as Baby Boomers continue …
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Good employees can have a significant impact on your business results, so having a strategic HR management plan can help your company retain top talent. Of course, not all employees are top performers, but having high employee engagement will help to ensure your best performers are happy. Did you know that a Harvard Business Review found …
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is creeping into our daily routines more than you may realize. Every time you ask Siri or Alexa a question, AI is at work. Have you received a text or email from your bank asking about a suspicious purchase? AI is at work there too. These are simple examples, but data scientists …
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