Burnout is becoming more common in the workplace. The World Health Organization has classified burnout as an occupational phenomenon, but more research is needed at this time to determine how burnout impacts employees’ mental health and wellbeing. While burnout can impact anyone in the workplace, millennials (those who were born between 1981 and 1996) were …
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Read more →Being an entrepreneur in today’s world is an act of courage, determination and strong leadership. Supporting those who choose to overcome the obstacles of building a new business from scratch is an inspirational journey, especially if we are talking about the financial part of a business, like payroll solutions, benefits administration or HR trends. When …
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Read more →Nonprofit organizations have employees, so they face HR challenges just like for-profit organizations do. These challenges can be related to recruitment and retention, performance management, employee relations, compensation and benefits, and anything else that impacts the employee in the workplace. According to Statista, there were 1.5 million nonprofits in the US in 2020. Changes to …
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